Artwork for Lillooet Brewing Company 2021. The art, to be used in packaging and branding, depicts local wildlife.

Lillooet Brewing Company - Spotted Bat

Lillooet Brewing Company - Townsend's Big-Eared Bat

Lillooet Brewing Company - Bear

Lillooet Brewing Company - Chinook Salmon

Lillooet Brewing Company - Clark's Nutcracker

Lillooet Brewing Company - Long-Billed Curlew

Lillooet Brewing Company - Calliope Hummingbird

Lillooet Brewing Company - Lewis's Woodpecker

Lillooet Brewing Company - Mountain Bluebird

Lillooet Brewing Company - Flammulated Owl

Lillooet Brewing Company - Spotted Owl

Lillooet Brewing Company - Sturgeon

Lillooet Brewing Company - Tailed Frog

Lillooet Brewing Company - Whitebark Pine

Lillooet Brewing Company - Wolverine

Lillooet Brewing Company - Mule Deer

Lillooet Brewing Company - Western Screech Owl

Lillooet Brewing Company Logo